Top Wikipedia Editor has been Arrested in Belarus
Prominent Wikipedia editor Mark Bernstein has been detained in Belarus for editing Wikipedia articles about Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption of Belarus (GUBOPiK) has arrested Bernstein, according to Belarusian publication Zerkalo. The Verge reported that Bernstein's social media accounts, Wikipedia handle and place of work had been shared in GUBOPik's channel on the Telegram messaging app. A video of Bernstein's arrest was also posted, along with his photo and personal details. Bernstein is accused of "distributing fake anti-Russian information" in the photo. Bernstein is one of the top 50 editors of Russian Wikipedia. A Wikimedia Foundation spokesperson said: "The Foundation's Trust and Safety and Human Rights teams have been monitoring the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. "We are in close touch with our communities in the region to ensure their safety and respo...